The scripts are down, the actions are coming. Some of the actors and production team have expressed their opinions about the play:

Jeff, English teacher and Director: “Inspiring. A true collaboration between the production team and the actors; not everybody is going for glory, and I find it positive they can differentiate.”

Barnaby, assistant Director: “I think its going to be a really good performance, we’ve all worked so hard, not just the actors but the production team that is bringing it together.”

Jessica, set designer: “Seeing as we only had 3 weeks to put together a big performance, I think we have put something impressive together.”

Leon, set production: “In the short time that we’ve had, we’ve come a long way.”

Mortimer, star character Rodolpho: “It’s a work in progress, it has a very complex, solid array of themes which, makes it tricky to master.”

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A reminder that seats for “A View from the Bridge” the above forthcoming class play, are limited and must be booked in advance by contacting the school. Tickets are £5 per adult, half price for children. Parents should be advised, however, that this play has adult content.