A School with a vision...

The vision of Norwich Steiner School is to provide a Steiner-Waldorf curriculum for pupils from age 3-19 years of age, with pupils being able to leave the school as balanced, well -rounded and mature young adults, able to pursue their own futures and destinies with confidence and self-belief.

As an all-through-school we are privileged to see the children progress through the school,  and interacting together along the way- from the foundation building freedom of kindergarten, up through the lower school and then back downstairs again to the upper school, to see them grow and change, develop their identities, interests and ideas. And the children look ahead to where they will follow, know where they are going and see the possibilities the future may bring.


The essence of kindergarten life is play. Through spontaneous, imaginative, social play and creative activities in our carefully planned environment children aged 3¼ to 6 years old are free to explore and grow into their bodies and into the world.



Pupils in the lower school follow a broad curriculum, where literacy and numeracy are introduced gradually and learning is enriched through music, movement and an artistic approach. Children are able to learn at their own pace, free from the pressures of testing and examinations, so that they can grow with confidence and with their self-esteem intact.



Our vibrant and friendly upper school for pupils up to 18/19 years of age offers a curriculum that respects, guides and supports the development of individuality. Pupils may also study for a fully accredited Level 3 School Leaving Qualification, based on the Steiner-Waldorf Curriculum, called the Steiner School Certificate (SSC).


Introductory Mornings

Introductory mornings provide an opportunity for prospective parents to visit the school and observe classes & teachers during a normal school day.

Following a tour of the school and classes, there is an opportunity to talk to staff and to look at a selection of children’s work whilst being served light refreshments.

There is no charge but booking in advance is essential, as spaces are limited. Please contact the school via email [email protected] or by phone 01603 611175 to make a booking.