The following is a list of key policies and procedures; that is, those that parents might be most keen to see. Key policies and procedures are generally reviewed within each 12 month period, taking into account any changes in legislation. Policies and procedures also get reviewed each time they are used to take account of any learning that occurs through their implementation.
- Admissions Policy
- Anti-bullying policy
- Anti-racist statement
- Attendance policy
- Behaviour and Code of Conduct policy (School)
- Behaviour policy (kindergarten)
- Clothing policy
- Concessions (reduced fees) policy
- Curriculum policy (whole school)
- Equal Opportunities policy
- Health & Safety policy
- Framework for Education in Kindergarten
- Mobile Phone policy
- Online Safety Policy
- Overseas Visiting Students policy
- Parental Concerns & Complaints procedure
- Permanent Exclusions Procedure
- Physical handling and the use of reasonable force policy
- PSHE & SMSC policy
- PSHE/RSE curriculum overview – ages 6-13
- PSHE/RSE curriculum overview – ages 14-19
- RSE policy
- Safeguarding & Child protection policy
- Special educational needs and Disability (SEND) policy