At our most recent School Inspection in November 2023, Ofsted found the school to be a positive, respectful community. One where pupils develop through the school, benefitting from the broad curriculum, to become confident, articulate individuals ready for their next steps.

We invite you to visit our school and experience the atmosphere for yourself. The most frequent opportunities we offer are Introductory Mornings & Kindergarten Open Afternoons. There is no charge for either, but to minimise disruption to the classes, numbers are limited and so booking is essential.  See below for more details and for dates.


INTRODUCTORY MORNINGS – Our regular introductory mornings take place during a normal school day.

Pupils conduct a tour or the classrooms, pausing in each to allow you time to observe the lessons. After the tour a member of staff will join you and answer any questions you may have. There is also the opportunity for you to inspect the work of pupils of a range of ages and ability during your visit.

The tour does not routinely include kindergarten, in order to avoid disruption to the environment of these younger children (age 3-6). However, for parents of children who are kindergarten age (3-6 years old) who would like to spend some time in the kindergarten room, please mention this to reception when you arrive, and we will endeavour to ensure you are able to do so during the visit.

The tour starts at 9.15am and the whole introductory morning finishes by 10.45am.

Dates for forthcoming Introductory Mornings:

Thursday 24 October
Tuesday 12 November
Thursday 28 November

More dates coming soon….

If you are interested in the school, but are unable to make any of the above dates, please get in touch and we will arrange a visit for you on another occasion.