How to contact us

by email [email protected]
by telephone 01603 611175 attended 8.45am-4.00pm Monday-Friday, answerphone at other times
by post Norwich Steiner School, Hospital Lane, Norwich NR1 2HW

Contacting our Chair of Trustees

Our current Chair of Trustees is Tracy Moulton. Tracy may be contacted by email or by post, care of the school postal address.
Email: [email protected]

Staff List

Staff names, job titles and relevant qualifications


The following link will open a new window or tab with a map of the location.
School and Kindergarten.

Contact Form

Please do get in touch with us by phone, email or letter. Alternatively we would always be glad to meet you at one of the introductory mornings or other events detailed on the news page.

Alternatively, please use the contact form below.

Norwich Steiner School Contact